The Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS)

召开时间:2020年04月22日 至 2020年04月26日

  The Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS) is a scientific society dedicated to improving understanding and treatment of type 1 diabetes. To provide a convenient platform bringing together strands of scientific endeavour in type 1 diabetes research, IDS organizes a Congress every 18 months. We are proud to announce that the 17th IDS Congress will take place in Beijing, China, April 22-26, 2020.

  On behalf of the congress organisers and the IDS Council, we welcome you to the 17th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society being held at the Beijing International Convention Center in the heart of Beijing. The Congress will report many break-throughs in type 1 diabetes research and the platform for many discussions on dynamic and controversial topics in the field. We encourage you to mark your calendars for this stimulating event, as it is not only highly informative but also a great opportunity to foster and maintain international collaboration and networks amongst scientists and clinicians working in immunology of type 1 diabetes.

  We look forward to your participation in this exciting academic Congress and welcoming you to the beautiful city of Beijing!

  IDS 2020 Congress organizing Committee


  Professor Zhiguang Zhou

  Central South University,China


  Professor Cong-Yi Wang

  Huazhong University of Science and Technology,China

  Professor Li Wen Professor David Leslie

  Yale University,USA Queen Mary University of London,UK

  Professor Susan Wong Professor Linong Ji

  Cardiff University,UK Peking University,China

  Professor Aimin Xu Professor Qianjin Lu

  University of Hong Kong,China Central South University,China

  Schedule of meetings


  8:30-8:40Opening Ceremony: A G Ziegler (Germany) & Z Zhou (China)

  8:40-9:20Franco Bottazzo Lecture

  Ake Lernmark (Sweden) 40’


  Ezio Bonifacio (Germany)

  Zhiguang Zhou (China)

  9:20-11:20Session 1 Genetic Risk and Heterogeneity of T1D

  Key Note Lecture Steve Rich (USA) 30’


  A G Ziegler (Germany) Z Zhou (China)

  Speakers:(20’ each)

  Tao Yang (China)

  Andrea Steck (USA)

  Maria Redondo (USA)

  Panel Discussion 30’

  11:20-12:20Antibody Workshop

  Bill Winters (Florida USA) to organize


  13:00-15:00Session 2 Epigenetics of T1D

  Key Note Lecture: David Leslie (UK) 30’

  Chairs :Carani Sanjeevi (Sweden) Ezio Bonifacio (Germany)

  Speakers:(20’ each)

  Cong-Yi Wang (China)

  Ranjeny Thomas (Queensland,Australia)

  Riitta Lakesmaa R (Finland)

  Panel Discussion 30’

  15:00-15:20Coffee break

  15:20-17:00Session 3 Novel Techniques for Antibody Detection


  Eddie James (USA) Linong Ji (China)

  Speakers (20 min each)

  Liping Yu (USA)

  Peter Achenbach (Germany)

  Ahuva Nissim (UK)

  Yang Xiao (China)

  Panel Discussion 20’

  17:00-18:00Abstract Selected Flash Presentations


  Alice Long (USA) Susan Wong (UK)


  Antigen Specific T cell responses

  Immunological Tolerance

  Innate immune pathways

  Pathways to beta cell failure and death


